A popular deep learning framework. The R interface makes it possible to train neural networks in R.
To learn more about the R interface, see website.
To learn more about Tensorflow, see website
Tensorflow is a perfect tool for building neural networks. Moreover, we could use it to build all kinds of computational graphs. Solving different problems by building up the Tensors, we could easily learn the “Tensorflow” way of thinking.
Since neural networks are so popular in computer vision, implementing an interesting algorithm called image interpolation is a good practice.
For 1-D linear implementation, here is a good visualization of the theoretical computation described above.
Since the images we are going to process are 2-D, it’s easy to visualize the result of 2-D interpolation.
For 2-D linear interpolation, we need a more complex computation process since each pixel we fill depends on more values and the distance measure comes to two dimension.
The figure below shows the way to calculate the interpolation value for the output image.
Suppose we need to enlarge image 2 times as before.
If we use the idea provided above, for each \(2\times2\) input of the original image pixels, we need to output a \(3\times3\) pixel matrix.
Tensorflow provides efficient operations on matrix manipulation, thus it’s intuitive to use vectorized calculation.
\[ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ \frac{1}{2} & \frac{1}{2}\\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\times \left( \begin{bmatrix} \text{input_1} & \text{input_2}\\ \text{input_3} & \text{input_4} \end{bmatrix}\times \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \frac{1}{2} & 0\\ 0 & \frac{1}{2} & 1 \end{bmatrix}\right) \]
Each of the input and the calculation step provided above could be represented by a Tensor.
Follow this step, we could easily obtain the transition matrix in case \(\times n\). This part is left as an exercise.
First we need two tensors for the input data.
data_tf <- tf$placeholder(tf$float32,shape(2,2))
size_tf <- tf$placeholder(tf$int32)
Construct the transition matrix with the input value of size. We need operation tensors doing this.
seq_tf <- tf$linspace(start=1.0, stop=0.0, num=size_tf+1L)
flipseq_tf <- tf$linspace(start=0.0, stop=1.0, num=size_tf+1L)
mat1_tf <- tf$concat(list(list(seq_tf),list(flipseq_tf)),axis=0L)
mat2_tf <- tf$transpose(mat1_tf)
Two more operation tensors for matrix multiplication.
h1_tf <- tf$matmul(data_tf,mat1_tf)
out_tf <- tf$matmul(mat2_tf,h1_tf)
Define the output, actually you could include more if you want.
tf_output <- out_tf
The package JPEG
allows us to load in jpg image file into numerical type.
chicken <- readJPEG("example.jpg")
rasterImage(chicken,0, 0, 1, 1)
The chicken image has a ground truth image with size \(600\times600\). To test our algorithm implementation, we downsampled it into size \(50\times50\).
Define functions for graph computing.
blinear_interpolation <- function(original_pic,times){
orignal_size <- dim(original_pic[,,1])[1]
a <- orignal_size
b <- times
new_pic <- array(,c(a*b-b+1,a*b-b+1,3))
sess <- tf$Session()
for(d in 1:3){
original_channel_data <- original_pic[,,d]
new_channel_data <- matrix(,nrow=a*b-b+1, ncol = a*b-b+1)
for (i in 1:(a-1)){
for (j in 1:(a-1)){
start_x <- i
end_x <- i+1
start_y <- j
end_y <- j+1
this.data <- original_channel_data[start_x:end_x,start_y:end_y]
out <- sess$run(tf_output,feed_dict = dict(data_tf = this.data,size_tf = b))
new_channel_data[(b*i-b+1):(b*i+1),(b*j-b+1):(b*j+1)] <- out
new_pic[,,d] = new_channel_data
Suppose we are going to make the picture 8 times the size as before.
new_pic <- blinear_interpolation(chicken,8)
Then we could take a look at the change.
rasterImage(chicken,0, 0, 1, 1)
rasterImage(new_pic,0, 0, 1, 1)
Actually we could try different values of size. Here’s what we get using a list of values.
The code below helps you save your processed image to local file.
writeJPEG(new_pic,target = "linear_interpolation_8.jpg")
Our tutorial ends here.
Figure 1 is from https://cdn.rawgit.com/TZstatsADS/ADS_Teaching/master/Tutorials/wk7-SuperResolution/super_resolution.html
Figure 2 is from https://www.pygimli.org/_tutorials_auto/1_basics/plot_5-mesh_interpolation.html
Figure 3~4 is from http://www.di.univr.it/documenti/OccorrenzaIns/matdid/matdid358544.pdf
The Chicken image comes from https://github.com/TZstatsADS/ADS_Teaching/tree/master/5-Spring2018/Projects_StarterCodes/Project3_PoodleKFC